Monday, October 3, 2011

10/4 Supersize Me

The documentary "Supersize Me" detailed a month's time during which Spurlock, the creator, ate nothing but McDonald's for every meal. It was a very interesting movie, and he put in a lot of work to prove the point that McDonald's is not healthy. He went to doctors who monitored his progress throughout the month and was in touch with a dietitian who also kept an eye on his progress. A lot of the information that the dietitian and the doctors talked about was lost on me, to be honest. While I know that his calorie intake was bad, a lot of the other minerals and changes in his body chemistry that they talked in depth about made little sense to me. A lot of the chemicals I had never heard of and was not sure what they did in the body exactly, or how much of a problem the increased levels of specific ones were.

On the other hand, it is very hard to dispute the physical evidence of what happened to him. Over the course of the month, he visibly gained a lot of weight, and was visibly sick and exhausted a lot. That is what struck me the strongest. While the talk of chemicals made no sense to me, there was no denying the fact that he was physically becoming ill and out of shape. Watching him deteriorate was a little disturbing, but also highly effective. For me, it was more effective than the medical conversations that I only half understood.

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