Monday, October 10, 2011

10/11 American fast food

No place in the world does fast food like America does fast food. During my visit to China, fast food was pretty common on streets and in malls, but that was really only McDonald's and KFC. Another of our fast food staples - Pizza Hut - was transformed into an nice, sit down, family style restaurant. It was a little strange to go to Pizza Hut and see steak on their menu. Even McDonald's had more of an emphasis on sitting down and eating in the store. Their menu showcased small items, and no meals - an emphasis on sharing food as is traditional in China.

So what is the difference between fast food here and fast food there? The probable, and slightly cop-out answer is that it's cultural differences. In America, we have a focus on individuals and that extends into our food. We order for ourselves and eat what we order. In China, they order different dishes for the table, and then share them among everyone. The more dishes a person orders, the more affluent they are. So perhaps some of the differences between fast food here and there can be explained by that reason.

Perhaps another is busy schedules. Americans are known quite well for rushing around, and often we eat our meals on the go. We are concerned with everything being convenient and fast to fit into our busy schedules. Sitting down for a long meal is only for special dinners. In China, it is more common to sit down and have a meal with family.  I think this is most likely the bulk of why fast food is different in different places. For people who are not as busy and as rushed, food takes on a different meaning and often comes in forms that are more recognizable to those people. Even something as American as McDonald's can be foreign depending on the culture of those who are buying it.

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